quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012

"Musings on love... SOL FIGUEIREDO e marcos loures

"Musings on love... SOL FIGUEIREDO e marcos loures

Love comes
and invades...
After a pass in undergrowth,
leaving us without ground
no prop...

Living without love
is not live,
is to survive...

Live and love
an impossible dream,
is swimming against the current,
in hopes of reaching
the land,
seeking breath
so that a wave
do not drag to the bottom
this sea of love!

© SOL Figueiredo"

Would an ocean
Where do not see anything
Seeds in the desert
They look for an oasis
And winds are sand,
In the distant islands
Archipelagos destroyed
To be discovered.

Marcos Loures

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